The Way to World-Class
"We Build World-Class Executive Teams." From the beginning, this has been our tag line because we knew that true organizational transformation starts with the Executive Team. Success depends upon their ability to see, articulate and model the vision, values and strategies for the organization. Only then can this vision cascade throughout the organization.
The Way to World-Class is the proprietary process we've honed over 25 years to help Executive Teams become responsible stewards of both the organization and its people -- striving to consistently perform at a World-Class level.
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Allow Us to Lead You to Greatness
The Way to World-Class provides a comprehensive roadmap that results in Executive Team and organizational transformation. It is an expertly choreographed set of engagements over a period of a year-and-a-half that creates harmony, focus and intentionality at senior team level, resulting in organizational improvements and a leveling-up of people leaders.
The engagement starts with a trust-building retreat process FIRST™, then moves to our 0-60 Senior Team Assessment™ that measures your team against eight indicators of world-class performance (scroll down to view) and finishes with our skill-building Leading-Edge Leader™ curriculum, which includes professional development for not only the senior team, but for the next level of leaders within the organization.

A Proven Path to Achieve & Sustain Exceptional Performance
How Does Your Executive Team Stack Up Against these Indicators of
World-Class Performance?
We invite you to engage in our 0-60 Senior Team Assessment™ to find out. You'll learn exactly where your team stands in relation to eight key indicators of world-class performance. The assessment is simple to take and lights the way to exceptional performance.

How It Works
Think of the 0-60™ process as taking an inventory and making improvements related to each world-class indicator.
It's a simple monthly process that has progressive impact:
-Gain a clearer picture of where the Executive Team stands in relationship to key World-Class Indicators.
-Identify pockets for improvement, informed by the World-Class Indicators.
-Better leverage the collective influence of the Executive Team.
Ultimately, the process fosters improvements in every area.
Preview the Assessment Here
What's the Impact of the 0-60 Senior Team Assessment™ process?

Stronger Foundation
The Executive Team becomes a stronger foundation upon which the organization rests - intentionally modeling the values and the highest aspirations of the organization.

Clear & Aligned
The team is unified and aligned towards a common purpose and strategy which sends a strong clear message throughout the organization.

Higher Functioning
The team becomes higher functioning - better meetings, better decision-making, while appreciating the power of their collective influence.

Increased Trust
The team begins to trust each other - becoming more transparent and forthcoming, creating positive ripple effects throughout the organization. Goodbye siloed behavior, hello collaboration.
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more about our transformational
Way-to-World Class offering?
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